Diabetes Calculator

This is the Appgyver file you can import and update. This is currently hosted as a static web app (deployed as a .zip file). You can make your changes, then export and upload to the web! Many of our business solutions are this easy, we just have to do the initial set up!

*This is not a health solution and is not designed to diagnose, treat, or cure anything. It is meant to be used for individuals to help estimate, but they should consult a physician/relevant healthcare professional to assess their actual insulin and carb needs, and before making any health/diet changes.

Free and Easy!



To help users estimate insulin needs. These formulas were pulled from a meeting with an individual experienced in the space. These are designed to be an estimate based on a few provided formulas.

This is not a health solution, it is meant to be used for individuals to help estimate, but they should consult a physician/relevant healthcare professional to assess their actual insulin and carb needs.


Two Options

This enables users to estimate calculate their needs based on their correction factor or their insulin to carb ration.


Additional helpful resources

Help users find other resources to learn more!

What are you waiting for?

Visit the website above, or download the app (its a web app build in a .zip folder).

Why is it free?

More awareness

We need more resources available to individuals with diabetes. This is not a health solution, it is meant to be used for individuals to help estimate, but they should consult a physician/relevant healthcare professional to assess their actual insulin a nd carb needs.

Why not?

This was built using Appgyver, so it is easy to build and provide the .zip file for others to use as they would like.

Easy to use app




Additional resources